Stage 2 

Yackandandah -Whorouly 

View of Murmungee Basin from top of Zig Zag Track with Mt Buffalo in background

Route Metrics

Start: Yackandandah

Finish: Whorouly

Distance: 68.6 km

Altitude Gain: 1018 m

Ride Time: 4:00h:mm

Road Surface: gravel and sealed

Monuments: Back Creek, Stanley, Murmungee and Whorouly

Cyclist Services

The Explorers' Journey

This stage covers a 2-day journey of 24 miles on Nov 23 & 24 over very hilly country to Stanley and a further climb over the Dingle Range to descend to the Murmungee grassland before camping at the Ovens River. They crossed the river the following day. The banks not being steep and the river being shallow they were able to ford without the need for a boat. (This section seems to be an extra-ordinary long and difficult stage for the explorers to complete in just two days.) Hovell's Journal mentions the need for trade skills of a farrier, harness and boot maker for future expeditions.

Traditional Owners

Traditional owners of the lands you will traverse are the Waveroo and Dhudhuroa people.

Points of Interest

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